Power Women Summit: Advocating for Women When It Feels Hard

I’ve been re-setting my expectations for a long time, expecting a new normal. Time to re-set, again

Sharon Waxman, Power Women Summit 2023
Photos by Katie Jones/Shutterstock

As the person who helped create the Power Women Summit, I get to climb onstage every year and say: it’s getting better for women! Equality is on the rise! Our world is reaching for balance! For inclusion! 

And you all might be thinking: Who are you kidding?

For all the world, I imagined this year’s Power Women Summit to happen in the afterglow of a different outcome in the election.  

If you’re like me, maybe you wake up every day with a strong desire to stay in bed. To NOT reach for your phone. And think: Are we in December? Is the election over?

So – OK.
