“X-Men: The Animated Series” holds a strong place in culture. For a whole generation — read: millennials — the Fox Kids show, which aired for five seasons across the middle of the 90s, served not only as a gateway into the world of comics but remains the de facto take on the Children of the Atom. The hit series arrived at a critical inflection point, notably right before Marvel figured out how to properly produce theatrical films that would go on to sustain future generations, “TAS” became embraced by new and old fans alike for how it remixed and introduced classic storylines while conveying the core ethos of Marvel’s flagship property in a digestible form for a young audience.
‘X-Men ‘97’ Review: Disney+ Revival Exceeds Sky-High Expectations
Recently-fired head writer Beau DeMayo and team present a carefully-crafted and worthy followup, banger theme song and all